Saturday, November 8, 2008

Where are we heading??

MNS. Bihar. Maharashtra. Fights. Anti North India. Killing. Beating. Taxies shattered. Mass exodus towards Bihar.

I have been listening to all this, reading about them and in a way was getting used to all this. Yes used to all this violence! Strange as it may sound, but probably that has more to do with my Indian upbringing, where we learn to avoid and in a way enjoy all this fights and brawls between two clashing-groups and if one of the groups happens to involve us, the better. After all, these things provide a great fodder for our morning tea gossips, the essential masala for our BC groups.

And then suddenly we hear Rahul Raj. Something rings somewhere and it hurts very badly.
MY first thought; a legal murder. Yes strange as it may sound but such a connotation is possible only in the great CIVILIZED society of our great nation. Possible or not, hmmm.... doesn't matter. But that is what it is. Because one thing is clear that it was a murder and not an encounter. And no one is ever going to be booked for it.

On one side was a person who was disturbed to say the least, at the ineptness of government to handle a small goon with a large mouth and the following of even larger idiots. No doubt, the act of Rahul can be termed as childish defying all the foundations of idiocy but not at all what the Maharashtra police wants us to believe, even by the greatest stretch of a rational imagination.

So what makes the murder/encounter of a small town, unemployed youth so important and worthy of a mention in the national news?
One: He belonged to Bihar.
Two: he was killed in Maharashtra.
And three and most important: He was killed when he could have easily been overpowered by a few policemen. It’s another matter if those pot-bellied policemen have more faith on a fire-spitting machine then on their own muscular power.

And to top it all, the same administration is quick in justifying the killing. What a great example of their integrity and dedication to the nation. To add to the disgust, these same people start lauding and patting the back of one another after a broad day-light murder of an innocent youth.
The reason for the murder, "He was a threat to the society, a member of a Bihaari Mafia".
And that statement sums it all. It clearly reflects the perception of people of Maharashtra towards the Bihaari junta. This murder has brought into daylight the inner malice and ill-thinking of the higher administration. And it clearly explains why no action is initiated against rioters who endanger the safety of north Indians in Mumbai.

I don’t want to dwell upon the fact that whether or not Bihaaris should be allowed into Mumbai or not. It is a long and debatable issue one which requires a thorough and rational discussion. My grievance is only towards the plight of innocents and people like Rahul Raj. Probably Rahul was too much into Hindi movies and likewise he thought everything goes right at the end. Probably he was inspired by RDB and the thinking of its protagonists. If that is the case he should have seen the end! It is not always the good men who get to live at the end of a story.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A dream: yes that is what it is...

Before starting I should state that I don't belong to the know-it-all clan. So this attempt of mine is not at all aimed at any of the socially or politically relevant issues pertaining to the mankind. This is also not related to any of the day-to-day issues bothering our countrymen.
If one has heard about someone's mere presence inspiring even the dead to walk, they will definitely relate to this piece of writing. When someone by being there can change the whole definition of someone else's life. The way one starts to see their life and find a meaning and purpose of their existence. When everything done before that, gives you a feeling of emptiness and whole life gone by seems a desultory journey....
This is about a girl; I don't know if it's fair to call her that. Because then it means that she has to adhere to all the standards set by us, the earthlings. That means that she has to stoop to the mortal levels of the ordinaries. Said this, it is no way an attempt to deride anyone, but the fact remains that by finding a mention in the same context as her, half fulfils the purpose of their life.
This is about a belle dame who has got in her eyes the sparkle of a twenty eight year old and laughter of an eight year old. In whose presence even the most gifted and sanguine ones become doubtful about their existence, as if the rationale behind the existence of everything else doesn't matter anymore. And when she is gone they curse god for being so unfair, for endowing only one of his creation with such flawless existence. A presence so refined that it threatens the very definition of perfection. Her beauty has got the charming Indian finesse that makes is so much more magnetic, so much appealing. Her overall grace is what one calls the height of feminine elegance. The face carries a childish innocence which imparts exactness to the whole character. She has got a voice which does nothing more than just comply with her charm and that in itself is no minor achievement. Her eyes add to the aura around her and bewitch everyone and everything around them.
The sacred and sublime beauty mesmerizes even the most evil of minds. There is only one thing more faultless than her, only one thing perfect for her and that is she herself. Her uncorrupted existence makes everyone desire that this dream never ends that the world around them remain as it is, nothing should move or change. A dream: yes that's what it is; every moment one spends around her seems unreal, imaginary, for they cannot believe that they can be so fortunate. I hope that I remain fortunate, and the dream never ends.
P.S: A writer's biggest achievement is in making people believe in facts which he himself doesn't believe in.