Yes! I admit it.
I was eagerly waiting for the Big Boss episode to be aired on November 21, 2011. And for obvious reasons, I would say. I am not a fan of reality shows, especially not of Big Boss. But then the producers pulled a gem of a trick and enticed even an audience like me to their show.
I checked the website about the timings and then waited eagerly for the clock to strike 22:30. I switched to the channel Colors.
To my dismay I had to endure the chitter-chatter of contestants, whom I hardly recognized. I knew the name of some of the contestants but it was hard to put a name to the faces. I have been reading about certain Miss Pooja Mishra and her antics. But I could find her in the crowd. The chats were more annoying because I did not know about the history of some of the fights and the kind of equations people share with each other. But then I thought in my mind that this was all a passing drama to the main attraction.

It reminded me of my childhood days. Our home was situated near a railway crossing. Remember those were the days of FB-negative, iPad-negative and mostly electricity-negative. So every time a train passed from the tracks, we would run near the track and line up just to watch the train pass.
Haha! I am not making this up. It is the truth.
Ok, cut back to the Big Boss house.
Now I am really thinking about the male contestants here. Do they recognize her or feign ignorance about her. Obviously they must know her. But quite simply they have a girlfriend or a wife to return to. And if they recognize her then back home they will have explaining to do.
So our boys did the smart thing. As soon as she stepped out of the ‘Palki’ carrying her, all three male contestants went into a corner and started discussing something. So the fort was left open to the female contestants. Now I am not sure how many of them actually knew her. From the look on their faces, nobody recognized her. Obviously how can you recognize her by looking at her face! If you get, what I mean to say.. :P
One female contestant: Who are you? (obviously in a polite manner)
Our guest of Honor: I am Sunny Leonne.
This was the time I came to know that her second name is pronounced as Leo+ nay.
Another female contestant: What do you do?
SL: (slightly taken aback)- actor
Ah! Why would you do that? I thought. I accept you the way you are. And this is the answer you came out with.
Meanwhile SL: (continuing)- I do modelling and stuff...
Me: (thinking) what are the brands that she can endorse? Can’t think of any right now.
She is taken inside. We are shown another footage with some time already passed.
Another female contestant: (without taking her eyes of SL's face and trying really hard to recognize her) I have seen you somewhere. Where have I seen you? Or, rather where should have I seen you?
SL: (seriously produces a gem of an answer)- Google
Oh! I like you ingenuity. Now that is one answer that is totally true. You just have to key in the right keywords. :D
Pooja Bedi: (yes, I do recognize her. She is the bitch who ditched Aamir Khan and chose Deepak Tijoriwala)- So why did they chose you. I mean, how did they contact you?
SL: maybe, they have seen me on internet.
Again, a classic answer! Can’t deny it!
Till evening, it was all normal and it was actually refreshing to see her in Indian attire. As for the next episode, well I am not too excited for that. This was it for me. I just wanted to see how she will behave fully clothed in an Indian setup. And I must admit that I was not at all disappointed.
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