As they set on their journey, people who came to know about the plan were very supportive, never missing an opportunity to deride the effort. Among the horde, one particular S needs special mention. He has made his mission to quantify everything in life. If the quantification can be in monetary terms all the more good. The point he misses is that something is done, without any logic being attached to it, without any rational and without any tangible benefits. These things exist because they differentiate humans from God’s other creation. Any effort to quantify these things will be like a blasphemy against your God.
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With a print out of Google map, a knife and other basic stuffs with them, they set foot on their journey. Never knowing what lies ahead, the eccentrics in any case did not care. The path, a treacherous one and the rain on previous night not helping, only toughened their resolve. The destination was always on their sight, working like a chimera, always so close but nowhere in reach. After three long hours they reached a large tree, which they made as their base camp and rested for some time. But rest was only an illusion as the objective still lie ahead of them, in sight but not in reach.
And away they went again towards their objective, after a brief pause and determination on mind. Another half hour and they were at the foot of their beloved- THE TABLETOP.
Then it occurred to Shanta that he has never done something so remarkable in life, all the academic achievements apart. His heart, filled with a sense of accomplishment, he was content. But they were at the foot of the mountain only and there was no way Bhanu and Doru were going to give up so easily and neither were they going to allow Shanta to do so. With total grit and some motivation they finally reached the top, five hours after they started on their journey.
What seemed like an outline from campus was a reality now and the reality- the campus has turned into a mere dot for these three. The reverse reality was now a reason for celebration for them, a moment of festivity for them. Now they will be able to be at peace with themselves, now they will achieve tranquility, but a breather is not what they will get right now. Now is the time to reflect back at their journey, a journey where they crossed farms, where they were knee deep in mud, a journey where they met Babloo- a local shepherd. It is the journey where they dared the incessant rain, where they were not ready to give up in the face of all adversity.
It will be the journey that will be etched in the mind of these three, but lost in the pages of history, never repeated again, never ever thought of again. And it will be here, when they will have a mountain top named after them, where people will come to know this tabletop as Mt. VAT.